Long Overdue Construction Update
If you've been following us on social media (@arlbrew on Twitter/Instagram and facebook.com/arlbrew) then you've no doubt seen some of the many pictures we've been posting of our construction process. Well, we've been neglecting the blog where construction pics are concerned, but no more! Here is your picture-centric, very overdue post of our construction-heavy past couple of months. We're hitting the home stretch now, with a few inspections and a few finishes to be finalized, and are feeling close to opening day!
The Beginning
Here we are, having absolutely no idea what we're getting ourselves into
Going over the architectural drawings with our GC and Carpenter
Beginnings of the Landlord buildout - our bathroom walls and some HVAC ductwork
HVAC duct work wrapped and insulated
Getting to hang our Coming Soon sign was a good day. The definition of "soon" was apparently open to interpretation
Special Projects
Putting vinyl lettering onto our custom-built sidewalk sign (Thanks, Brew Hubby Mike!)
All ready for chalk
Measuring under the floor to make sure we will have enough slope for our hand sink. (Yeah, we learned a lot of things we never thought we would know in this process!)
Brew Hubby Eric doing a little rewiring
Fresh coat of poly on the shelves built by Brew Hubby Mike
Our Construction Begins
Submitting drawings to the County
Hanging approved permits with our architect, Susan
In goes the walk-in cooler
Damien putting in our first stud track
Studs for our chalkboard wall and wrap counter
Our first electrical conduit going in
Putting in blocking
We were so happy to have walls!
And The Pallets, Oh The Pallets!
The beginning of the pallet wall project. Hauling the pallets we scavenged.
Disassembling pallet wood, by any means necessary
De-nailing pallet wood
Oh yeah, some of the pallet pieces had this many nails in them...
Organizing the pallet wood into piles by size
Preparing to paint the wall black before putting up the pallet wood
Starting at the bottom
And going all the way to the top
The Beauty of Finishes
Building the trellis, before hanging it from the ceiling!
The shanks for our tap lines
A hanging trellis, cabinets, and stainless counter front
New, shiny countertops and hanging pendants almost make this picture look fake (It's real!)
Shelving set into the outrigger pipe system
Adding lighting to the trellis
Us with The Brew Husbands after a hard day's work, under our exterior sign